Lagerstroemia archeriana
“Australian Native Crepe Myrtle”
Wise Gardening
/Wise Gardening app now available to download for free. Designed to help gardeners decipher the labels on the products you use in your gardens. The app has been developed by Sustainable Gardening Australia to help people protect their gardens from pest, diseases and weed - without harming themselves or the planet.
Click here for download of app
Words from the great Sir David Attenborough as we enter another year for our planet
/“Cherish The Natural World, because you’re part of it and you depend on it”
Subscribe to Our Gardens Magazine -The Garden Clubs of Australia magazine
/Our Gardens is published by The Garden Clubs of Australia Inc and is a full-colour quarterly magazine with feature as well as practical articles by experienced fellow gardeners and growers. It is available by personal subscription. The cost is $20.00 for one year (4 issues) or $50.00 for 3 years (12 issues) posted in a waterproof envelope to your home address .Shipping cost included. .Spring Issue is now out.
Click on this link for subscription details Our Gardens Magazine
/Hope you all enjoy the new website.
Any suggestions are welcome.